Monday, 15 August 2011

The Best Laid Plans...

I had secretly hoped for some snow on the mountains surrounding Sterkfontein Dam - the next leg of our holiday. When Monday morning arrived we were busy loading the car and checking the news to find that copious snow had fallen and closed many of the roads around Harrismith.
I called Qwantani timeshare which is 5 kms down a track to be told that snow was falling and settling and that I should call again later to see if access was possible.

We thought we would have an adventure and packed a spade, sleeping bags, mats, emergency rations etc. Etc. And set off via the petrol station. Whilst there we overheard a news snippet saying that there was deep drifting around Heilbron. We looked on the map and saw that the road ran parallel to where we wanted to go so went back home to check the traffic news updates on the Internet and TV. Then we saw that the Olivershoek Pass was closed as well as Van Reenens. Sense prevailed, the resort said the snow was deep so we decided to abort the trip.

I called my guide at RCI and she offered us some alternative short notice accommodation at the Protea Hotel, Kruger Gate of the Kruger Park. By now it was almost noon, but never mind. We jettisoned the spade etc. And set off for Hazyview 5 hours away.

So here we are, planning a day in the Kruger Park tomorrow. In Ed's book this almost rates on a par with Bass Fishing.

We passed through sleet around Belfast on the N4, then some thunder and lightning. We arrived at 5pm - the chalet is quite old but the hotel itself consists of wooden buildings linked by walkways, an outdoor Bouma for eating supper and viewing platforms along the banks of the Sabie River. Not too shabby!

Still raining so no photos - maybe tomorrow we'll have some super wildlife pics to post!!

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