Thursday, 11 August 2011

Fishing at Oppiekoppie Bass Farm

BIL had bought a BassAfrica magazine when the family were here 2 years ago and Edward had brought it back here on holiday. He found a bass farm in it, in the North West province less than 30 km away from Magalies Park, so we phoned and made a plan to go on Thursday. (Needless to say the magazine is well worn and well travelled by now).

As instructed we took the road through Brits and turned left after the railway line onto a tar road which had seen better days - we dodged all the potholes and found Oppiekoppiebassfarm quite easily. It's a working farm and stone quarry and also produces wooden goods. It has at least 5 dams that can be fished on a catch and release basis. Also a multitude of free roaming rabbits, geese and sheep.

George and Edward were soon fishing (they're eating their supper and comparing sizes as I write).

The farm is very tidy with a chalet for overnight guests, a lapa and plenty of braais - some of them quite ingenious home made affairs.

I'm handing over to the boys to tell you all about the fishing. Suffice it to say that my big moment of the day was watching a purple heron competing with them.

This is Edward speaking, George is better at fishing he has caught the first fish every time because he is the best ! He hasn't failed to catch the biggest fish each time he has been fishing with me this holiday! I am lucky to have such a knowledgeable fisherman with me today ! I caught ten little fishies and George caught a humongous bass and trout and three other little fishies !
George's Trout

This is George speaking, Edward is far superior. He caught ten bass one of which weighed a hefty 1 pound 12 ounces and there were two or three more that weighed about a pound. I caught out of blind luck a two pound bass on one of Edwards worms which he very kindly lent me. Edward told me what to do and it really paid off! Thank you Edward!

Ed specialised in Bass!
This photo was taken especially for Dad? (Ed did not reveal why)

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